Who are we?


Znanje iz oblasti drvne industrije u BiH

Company Secom d.o.o. was founded more than 20 years ago in Visoko as a private company. With more than 20 years of experience, primarily in the quality of our products, we have become one of the leaders in the field of wood industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina. By investing in state-of-the-art technology, we have been able to round off the production process from logging to production of furniture. The firm is located on approximately 50,000 m2, on two locations and employs 150 workers.



Secom d.o.o. Visoko

A reputable company in the production of glued beech panels, furniture, and briquettes tailored to customer requirements in both domestic and EU markets. The company's management actively participates in collective efforts to achieve optimal consumption of natural resources, minimize overall environmental impact, prevent soil, air, and water pollution, and safeguard the health of people, plants, and animals.